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mit to doing sth。认可       

nfess to doing sth。认可,

accustomed to doing 习惯于, 

used to doing 习惯于,

ick to doing sth。


6。turn to doing sth。起头,动手于,

vote oneself to doing sth。献身于, 

devoted to doing sth 努力于,

9。look forward to doing sth。


y attention to doing sth 留意

二。to do

afford  aim   appear  agree  arrange  ask   be    decide bother  care  choose   come    dare   demand desire  determine     expect   elect  endeavor     hope       fail  happen  help  hesitate learn  long   mean   manage  offer  ought   plan  prepare pretend   promise refuse seem   tend   wait    wish     undertake7。

  1 不定式做宾语

1) 动词+ 不定式

afford  aim   appear  agree  arrange  ask   be    decide bother  care  choose   come    dare   demand desire  determine     expect   elect  endeavor     hope       fail  happen  help  hesitate learn  long   mean   manage  offer  ought   plan  prepare pretend   promise refuse seem   tend   wait    wish     undertake


 The driver failed to see the other car in time。


 I happen to know the answer to your question。


2)动词+不定式 ; 动词+宾语+不定式

ask, beg, choose, expect , hate, help intend like, love, need prefer, prepare, promise, want, wish…

 I like to keep everything tidy。


 I like you to keep everything tidy。 我喜好你年使每件工具都连结整洁。

I want to speak to Tom。  我想和汤姆谈话。

I want you to speak to Tom。


3) 动词+疑问词+ to

decide, know, consider forget, learn, remember, show, understand, see, wonder, hear, find out, explain, tell

  Please show us how to do that。


  There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind which to buy。有那么多的灌音机,我都拿不定主意买哪一种。


   The question is how to put it into practice。


7。2 不定式做补语

1) 动词+宾语+不定式(to do)

advise   allow   appoint   believe   cause   challenge command  compel   consider  declare   drive   enable  encourage  find    forbid   force   guess   hire    imagine  impel   induce   inform  instruct  invite   judge    know    like   order    permit  persuade  remind   report  request   require  select send    state   suppose   tell    think  train   trust   understand urge    warn 



   Father will not allow us to play on the street。       


  b。 We believe him to be guilty。


Find 的特殊用法:

  Find 后可用分词做宾补,或先加形式宾语,再加描述词,最初加带to 的动词不定式。find后也可带一个从句。此类动词还有get,have。

   I found him lying on the ground。

   I found it important to learn。

   I found

d that to learn English is important。


  The next morning she found the man ___ in bed,dead。

ying谜底: nd的宾语后面,用分词或分词短语,起宾语补足语感化。如今分词表达主动,也表达正在停止,过去分词表达被动。

2) to + be 的不定式构造,做补语的动词。

Acknowledge,  believe, consider,  think, declare(声称), discover, fancy(设想), feel   find, guess,  judge,  imagine,   know,  prove,     see(理解), show,    suppose,     take(认为),   understand

   We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class。



   Charles Babbage is generally considered ___ the first computer。 


   由consider to do sth。 排除B、D。。 此句只申明创造那一个事实,不定式后用原形即可。而C为如今完成时,创造为点动词一般不消完成时,且此处也不强调对如今的影响,因而不选C。

3) to be +描述词

Seem,     appear,   be said,  be supposed,  be believed, be thought, be known,  be reported, hope, wish,  desire,   want,    plan,  expect,    mean…

 The book is believed to be uninteresting。


4) there be+不定式

believe, expect, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, want, wish, undrstand

 We didn't expect there to be so many people there。


留意 : 有些动词需用as 短语做补语,如regard, think believe, take, consider。

 We regard Tom as our best teacher。 我们认为汤姆是我们更好的教师。

 Mary took him as her father 。 玛丽把他当做本身的父亲。

7。3 不定式主语

1) It's easy (for me) to do that。我做那事太容易了

easy, difficult,  hard,  important,  possible,  impossible, comfortable,  necessary,  better;  

the first,  the next,   the last,  the best, too much,  too little,  not enough

 It's so nice to hear your voice。


 It's necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it。


2) It's very kind of you to help us。


Kind, nice,  stupid, rude,  clever, foolish, thoughtful, thoughtless, brave, considerate(考虑殷勤的), silly,  selfish(无私的)


   It was silly of us to believe him。



like to do sth

like doing sth

would like to do sth

feel like doing sth

thanks for sth

thanks for doing sth

be surprised at sth

be surprised to do sth

ask sb sth

try to do sth

be always doing sth

be good for

want sb to do sth

look at...doing...

thanks ...for..doing sth

asksb。todosth。 sth.letsbdosth.


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